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fileA COVID-19 Easter _ Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.pdf2020-06-24 08:30892 KB
fileA Letter From Arkansas United Methodist Editor Caleb Hennington _ Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.pdf2020-06-24 08:30170 KB
fileAUM_20200409.pdf2020-06-24 08:481157 KB
fileAUM_20200423.pdf2020-06-24 08:481211 KB
fileFort Smith Ministry Spreads Joy Through Handcrafted Cards _ Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.pdf2020-06-24 08:307195 KB
fileHendrix College Junior Competes on Jeopardy! _ Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.pdf2020-06-24 08:301030 KB
fileJohn Gill leaves permanent imprint on Arkansas ministry to children _ Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.pdf2020-06-24 08:30552 KB
fileKeep Listening, God is Still Speaking _ Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.pdf2020-06-24 08:30293 KB
fileTransformed by the Bible _ Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.pdf2020-06-24 08:31268 KB